Wednesday, June 20, 2012

2012 1st Semester Overall Fitness

One semester of 2012 has passed and I am very excited for the next one because I have made a significant progress on the last semester in increasing my overall shape and body condition. I discovered that two things work well: boxing and bodybuilding.

Boxing is one of the best aerobics activities to decrease body fat and is a great workout to increase your overall cardio condition. Since child I have always enjoyed combat sports and martial arts but I never tried boxing (besides being so popular). I found out that, (at my current age of 33), that I love boxing. In conversation with other people in the field, boxing is a fundamental activity to other complex combats sports nowadays like MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) or a more traditional one like  Kick-boxing.

The last but not the least important variable is nutrition, I improved the quality of my meals when I am not at home. At the present I work in one office in Lisbon (about 30km from my home), so I must lunch 5 days of week outside, I must be careful to not eat garbage food. In the future when I start my own business, I will have a much better control over my nutrition. By the way, I always (if not in a meeting),  have one meal in the middle of the morning and another one 2/3 hours after lunch.

I must say another crucial thing that is the most vulnerable variable and the one that I have less control: sleeping. Amazing! Sleeping is fundamental, you must find out your needs in terms of sleeping hours. My personal needs are 8 hours but most of the time I sleep 6 to 7 hours each night, I am going to try to improve this variable on the next semester.

1st Semester Overall Accomplished Goals:
- Body Condition Improved, in terms of cardio and muscular condition.
- Nutrition Improved.

2nd Semester Goals:
- 8 Hours of sleeping each night should be the norm not the exception.
- Keep improving on the body condition and mind strength (talk about this on another post.
- Keep disciplined about nutrition.

Stay in Shape!